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The main motivation for these Sci-fi/fantasy pictures was a phase I went through in wanting to fulfil a childhood aspiration.
As a kid growing up in the 1970s I was highly impressed by the work of British Sci-Fi/fantasy illustrators of the time whose work I'd see on paperback covers.In fact it was the earliest I could remember in wanting to be an artist of some sort in wanting to emulate the work of such artists.
In having acquired an airbrush I was in a position to be able to go ahead in fulfilling this childhood aspiration of mine.For me personally I regard British Sci-Fi illustration of the 1970s as the 'Golden Age' of Sci-Fi illustration and I am a collector of book covers from around that decade that feature the work of illustrators I admire such as Chris Foss,Bruce Pennington,Ian Miller and David Pelham.